Louis Bazin

Louis Bazin (born December 20, 1920) is a French orientalist.


Born in Caen, he entered the École Normale Supérieure in 1939. When he graduated in 1943, he became a senior research fellow at the French National Centre for Scientific Research, while continuing his studies at the National School for Modern Oriental Languages.

In 1949, he became a professor-delegate after his teacher Jean Deny retired. In 1957, he became a full professor at the ENLOV (the above-mentioned Oriental Language School's new name). Since 1950, he has also been the director of studies at the École pratique des hautes études (Section IV). Beginning in 1980, Bazin became a Professor at the University of Paris III. He retired from his position there in 1990.

Bazin is a member of the Asiatic Society (of which he was formerly vice-chairman). He is also a member of the International Union of Oriental and Asian Studies (of which he was formerly the treasurer, secretary general and vice-president), and the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres (elected 22 October 1993 to the chair Claude Cahen). He is currently Vice-Chairman of the Societas Uralo-Altaica, and president of the section of Oriental Languages and Cultures of the French National Centre for Scientific Research.

